Meditation & Buddhism Online

weekly general program class

Please note we will be stopping online classes from Thursday 1 September 2022.

The Peace of Concentration

Concentration makes our mind calm and peaceful. When we are enjoying internal peace and happiness our craving for external sources of pleasure naturally declines and it is easy to remain content, regardless of our external circumstances.

Please note we will be stopping online classes from Thursday 1 September 2022.

What to expect at a class

Each week, a different aspect of meditation and Buddhism is explained. Classes are self-contained so you can come along any week. Classes begin with a simple guided breathing meditation followed by a teaching and a second guided meditation based on the topic. No experience is necessary, classes are suitable for beginners and experienced meditators alike. Everyone is welcome.

These classes are available to book as a online video for you to watch at home. Each video class is available for one week after it is published giving you the flexibility to watch at a time that suits you.

Class Information - Online



The meditation class will be available to watch online from 7pm on Wednesdays. The online class will remain available to watch for up to one week after the class has been live-streamed.


This class is online.


$10 per class
Kelsang Luma

The teacher of this class is Kelsang Luma. Luma is well-loved for her humility as well as her energy and joy in sharing Buddha’s instructions. Her practical and uplifting teachings make meditation and modern Buddhism accessible to all, enabling people from all walks of life to solve their daily problems through developing inner peace.
