Meditation class in North Lakes topic:

Four ways to reduce anxiety

Meditation class in North Lakes topic:

Four ways to reduce anxiety
Meditate in

North Lakes


7 – 8.15pm

Weekly meditation classes in North Lakes

Our weekly meditation classes in North Lakes include two guided meditations and a teaching drawing on practical Buddhist wisdom.

The classes are self-contained so you can join anytime. No experience needed. Everyone is welcome.

No need to book. Just drop in!

Next topic:  Four ways to reduce anxiety – starting Monday 3 February

Weekly meditation classes in North Lakes

Our weekly meditation classes in North Lakes include two guided meditations and a teaching drawing on practical Buddhist wisdom.

The classes are self-contained so you can join anytime. No experience needed. Everyone is welcome.

No need to book. Just drop in!

Next topic:  Four ways to reduce anxiety – starting Monday 3 February

Day & Time

Mondays – 7pm to 8:15pm

No need to book!


$15 per person

Included in KMC Brisbane Membership


North Lakes Community Centre

Meeting Room 2, 10 The Corso, North Lakes QLD 4509

Upcoming Topics

Four ways to reduce anxiety

Do you suffer from anxiety? Are you constantly worrying about one thing or another, and finding if difficult to enjoy life?

In our modern world it is increasingly difficult to ward off anxious states of mind. Not long after one worry passes, another one quickly arises to take its place.

Fortunately, you’re not an intrinsically anxious person – no one is. Anxiety is something you can reduce and overcome.

By growing your practical wisdom, understanding how your mind works and gaining experience of Buddhist meditation techniques, you can learn to control our mind, rather than your mind controlling you. Through this you’ll be able to let go of worry, overcome anxious minds and develop a sense of peace and mental freedom that is absolutely priceless.

In this series of classes you will learn four simple, practical methods to reduce your anxiety and, through developing a joyful, regular meditation practice, eventually release your mind from its painful grip.

Starts week commencing Monday 3 February at North Lakes Community Centre. Prepay and save 16% 

Wake up smiling

Do you wake up smiling each day? Feeling joyful and positive about the day ahead? Sadly, for many of us it’s quite uncommon to have this experience. Even though we wish to be happy each and every day of our life, our mind can be habitually trapped in narrow, uninspired, often-negative ways of thinking. Such thoughts leave us feeling tired, dissatisfied and wondering whether this is all that life has to offer.

We can all turn this experience around though and learn to wake up with a light and happy heart. You can learn to wake up smiling.

During this series of classes, you’ll gain understandings and learn effective meditations that enable you to greet each day feeling positive and inspired. Discover how it is possible to turn every encounter into an opportunity to deepen your appreciation of life and the people around you.

Starts week commencing Monday 3 March at North Lakes Community Centre. Prepay and save 16% 

Clarity of mind

What is the mind? We all have a mind, but if someone were to ask us, ‘What is the nature of your mind? How does your mind function?’ it’s unlikely we’d be able to give a precise answer.

Through exploring Buddha’s explanation of the nature and function of our mind and by meditating on the mind itself, we’ll get to know and experience the extraordinary potential for peace that exists within our mind.

In this series of classes, you’ll discover that meditating on the clarity of your own mind is profoundly relaxing and enables you to develop strong mindfulness and deep concentration. But more than that, because the mind is the basis of all we know and perceive, deepening your understanding of the clarity of your mind will alter the way you understand life, making everything seem far more extraordinary and magical than you thought possible.

Join us for this series of classes and experience a level of mental freedom and well-being that you’ve, most likely, never experienced before.

Starts week commencing Monday 31 March. Prepay and save 16% 

Karma: No one is to blame

Have you ever thought that when someone says “it’s your karma” means you’re to blame for the difficult things that happen in your life? Or that karma is somehow fatalistic?

If you have, think again…In reality, through understanding karma correctly, you’ll realise that no-one is to blame and nothing is predetermined; you’ll learn what is to blame and what to do about it; that everything can change and improve, and how to make that happen.

Understanding the law of karma enables us to answer all our ‘why?’ questions and find deep inner peace; it empowers us to create the future experiences we want and avoid the ones we don’t. The liberating wisdom of karma will set you free.

Join us for this series of classes. Improve your understanding of karma and see for yourself how this wisdom enables you to make sense of your world and your life. Learn how to use this wisdom to let go of the past and the need to blame; and to create the future you want.
Starts week commencing Monday 28 April. Prepay and save 16%

Our Teacher

The teacher of the weekly North Lakes meditation class is Kelsang Khandro. Kelsang Khandro is an experienced and dedicated practitioner of Kadampa Buddhism.  She teaches with warmth and sincerity, conveying Kadampa Dharma in a lively and practical way that makes it easy for students to know how to put the teachings into practise.