Meditate in


Mondays from 19 August

7 – 8.15pm

Meditate in Capalaba

Mondays from 19 August

7 – 8.15pm

Weekly Meditation Classes in Capalaba

Our weekly meditation classes in Capalaba include two guided meditations and a teaching drawing on practical Buddhist wisdom.

The classes are self-contained so you can join anytime. No experience needed. Everyone is welcome.

No need to book. Just drop in!

Classes start Monday 19 August

Weekly Meditation Classes in Capalaba

Our weekly meditation classes in Capalaba include two guided meditations and a teaching drawing on practical Buddhist wisdom.

The classes are self-contained so you can join anytime. No experience needed. Everyone is welcome.

No need to book. Just drop in!

Classes start Monday 19 August

Day & Time

Mondays – 7 to 8.15pm


$15 per person

Included in KMC Brisbane Membership


Redland Community Centre

29 Lorraine Street, Capalaba QLD 4157

Upcoming Topics

What to do when things go wrong

Learn methods to remain calm and peaceful whatever happens, and to turn any situation, however difficult, to your advantage.

Starting Monday 19 August 7pm at Redland Community Centre

Book in advance for all 4 classes in this topic for $50 and save 16%
Gen Kelsang Ani

Our Teacher

The teacher of the weekly Capalaba meditation class is Gen Kelsang Ani.  Gen Ani is Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Brisbane and teaches all the main classes and courses at the Centre. Gen Ani has been studying and practising Modern Kadampa Buddhism with Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 20 years. She teaches with warmth and compassion, making modern Buddhism accessible and applicable to all.